Each 'spice' file
is a specially-designed grayscale map that guides SpiceMaster. The SpiceMaster
effect will begin where blackest pixels reside (in the spice file's image, not
your content), then proceed to where lighter grays reside, and finally end where
the whitest pixels exist in the spice image. It's simple in concept but incredibly
flexible and organic in its creative possibilities compared to the usual hard-edged,
limited-adjustment, standard algorithmic effects.
Although conceptually similar, spices are quite unlike the typical gradient or
alpha wipe. Spice designs are wonderfully organic and useful instead of cheesy.
Spices collectively have thousands of hours of pixel-by-pixel fine-tuning for
studio-quality, ultra-smooth performance. And in SpiceMaster, spices become far
more than 'just' transitions due to SpiceMaster's power and versatility.
to Choose a Spice File
Click the large Choose Spice File button located in the Spice section of SpiceMaster. SpiceMaster's Library window will then
2. Click a subfolder in the Library's left pane, as shown below. Thumbnail-size
previews of available effects will then appear in the right pane so
you can visually compare and choose the best effect design for your segment.
Note: To see subfolders, click the "+" next to
a folder in the left pane, if necessary. Subfolders organize SpiceMaster's huge
quantity of effects into distinct styles.
3. Double-click a thumbnail in the Library's right pane to select the effect
and close the Library. The grayscale image of the chosen spice will appear in the SpiceMaster, and its file name will be in the Choose
Spice File button. SpiceMaster's built-in preview will also immediately
update to the effect. Or, single-click a thumbnail to see animated grayscale preview while
keeping the Library open.
Use the Mixer slider to modify the spice's
geometry partially or entirely by the luminance of your clip. This powerful
new feature can quickly produce an enormous new range of spice effects, including FILM dissolves and terrific
spice variations that visually tie to your clips. Try the slider and see
for yourself!
To quickly choose a spice you have used recently, click on the menu icon at right of the Choose Spice File button.
Up to nine prior choices will appear in a pop-up list -- most recent first. (Note:
"Prior choices" are those that have been selected and applied in SpiceMaster,
not just viewed from the Library.)
To choose a spice but bypass the Library, Alt-click
the Choose Spice File button to get a
standard Open dialog box. Then navigate to and select
the file. This is how you can load a gradient/alpha wipe or black & white matte
you have created (or have from other software) that you may not want to keep in
the Library.
SpiceMaster opens with a default effect. To change the default to a different
effect, Set up the transition control's as desired, then go into the Preferences dialog and choose "Make current effect the default.". The new default will appear
the NEXT time you apply SpiceMaster.