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250+ 3D Transitions
Easy & Affordable!
ONLY $29 for...

Premiere Pro (Windows, macOS)
After Effects (Windows, macOS)
Premiere Elements (11/ltr Win-only)
CyberLink PowerDirector (12/ltr)
Sony Vegas (v11-v13)
Magix Movie Edit Pro (2013/later)
Magix Video Pro X (X4/later)
VEGAS Pro (14/later)
VEGAS Movie Studio (14/later)

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3D Six-Pack 1.x: Faqs, Tutorials & Tips

3D Six-Pack 1.x Technical Support FAQs

1. The serial number that you sent me does not work. Most commonly, check to make sure you run the installer that matches your purchase. Note that your serial number will only work for the version and host you purchased -- other versions (3.x,4.x) cannot be installed. Also, make sure there is not a blank space before or after the entered name or serial number (which can inadvertently sneak in if you copy/paste the info). Keep in mind our serial numbers are cASE-sensitive. Check to make sure the entered name field in our installer matches exactly what we sent to you (not what your PC automatically enters). If there is still a problem after trying again, please contact us and we will solve it for you right away.

2. How do I install 3D Six-Pack in two different versions of Premiere Pro? First install in your latest version of Premiere Pro, which the 3D Six-Pack installer will likely recognize and find automatically. Then run the installer again, but use the Browse button that will appear (in the next installer panel after you enter your Name and Serial number info) to select the MAIN folder of your earlier Premiere Pro version, such as
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020.

How to Apply 3D Six-Pack

In Adobe Premiere Pro
1. From the Effects window (Video Transitions > Pixelan folder) of Premiere Pro, drag 3D Six-Pack onto a cut point between two clips in any track, or onto the beginning or end of a single clip.
2. Click the applied transition in the Premiere timeline to activate it. Drag the transition's edge to adjust its duration as desired.
3. In the Effect Controls panel of Premiere Pro, click the Custom button that is below Premiere's standard transition controls. The 3D Six-Pack interface will then appear (see below).

In Adobe Premiere Elements 11 (Windows; version 11 or later):

1. If you are using Premiere Elements 12, make sure you first turn on its Expert view to see all available effects and transitions, including plug-ins.

2. From the Transitions tab at the bottom of Premiere Elements 11, choose Pixelan in the tab's top menu. Then drag-and-drop 3D Six-Pack onto a cut point between two clips in a Video track, or onto the beginning or end of a single clip.
3. In the Transitions Adjustments panel that will appear, adjust Duration and Alignment as desired, then click the small More button at the bottom of the panel. That will reveal a Custom button.
4. Click the Custom button to open the 3D Six-Pack interface (see below).


In Adobe Premiere Elements (Windows; version 10 or earlier):

1. From the Edit panel (Transitions section) of Premiere Elements 10, scroll down to the Pixelan listing and drag-and-drop 3D Six-Pack onto a cut point between two clips in a Video track, or onto the beginning or end of a single clip.
2. Click the applied transition in the Premiere timeline to activate it. Drag the transition's edge to adjust its duration as desired.
3. At the bottom of the Edit panel in Premiere Elements, click the small Edit Transitions button to open the 3D Six-Pack interface (see below).

In Sony Vegas Pro (any version) or Vegas Movie Studio (version 6 or later):
Click Here button in Vegas1. Overlap two events in the SAME video track of your Vegas timeline, automatically creating a crossfade transition.
2. Drag 3D Six-Pack (the name, or a Vegas preset for it) from the Vegas Transitions list onto the crossfade. Or right-click the crossfade and choose Transition Properties, then double-click 3D Six-Pack. The 3D Six-Pack interface will then appear (see below).


In CyberLink PowerDirector 2012 (or later):

1. In the Transitions Room tab of PowerDirector (version 12 or later), drag-and-drop 3D Six-Pack from the Pixelan section onto the transition overlap between two video clips in a track of the timeline.

2. Click the Modify button above the timeline (or right-click the transition and choose Modify) to open the 3D Six-Pack main window. The 3D Six-Pack interface will then appear (see below).
NOTE: Cyberlink PowerDirector currently does not allow transitions to be applied directly to titles in its Title track. One way to solve this is to create your titles as a .png file with an alpha channel — in an external program, such as Photoshop Elements. After that title image is imported, 3D Six-Pack can be applied directly to it in your PowerDirector timeline. However, there is also another method that can be faster for simple titles but doesn’t always produce correct output (due to current PowerDirector plugin architecture limitations): Drag your PowerDirector title into a Video track instead of the Title track. Then apply 3D Six-Pack directly to it.


In Magix Movie Edit Pro 18 (or later) or Video Pro X4 (or later):

1. In the Fades tab of the Media Pool panel, click Additional fades, then drag-and-drop 3D Six-Pack onto a simple crossfade between two video tracks in the same track, or onto a separate track between two overlapped clips in adjacent higher and lower tracks. Drag the right or left edge of the transition, if needed, to adjust its duration.

2. Right-click the small A/B icon in the transition (or anywhere in the transition if it is on a separate track), then choose Settings... to open the 3D Six-Pack main window. The 3D Six-Pack interface will then appear (see below).


3D Transitions Plugin Tutorial

3D Six-Pack Transitions Tips

In Adobe Premiere Pro or Adobe Premiere Elements:

• To reverse the flow of the transition, turn on the Reverse check box in the Effects Control pane of Adobe Premiere.
• To apply 3D Six-Pack to a title, drop 3D-Six-Pack onto the head or tail of a title clip, instead of between two overlapped clips like a usual transition.

In Sony Vegas Pro or Sony Vegas Movie Studio:
• To preview the transition in Vegas real-time and interactively,
turn on the Loop play button at the bottom of the Vegas timeline, then double-click the 3D Six-Pack transition that you applied in the timeline. Highly recommended and very cool!
• To reverse the flow of the transition,
turn on the Reverse check box under the Click Here button (shown above) in the Video Event FX window/pane.
• To apply 3D Six-Pack to a title, drop a 3D Six-Pack video transition onto the head or tail of a title event. Or overlap a title event with an empty event (right-click in the track and choose Insert Empty Event), then apply 3D Six-Pack to the overlap.

go to 3D Six-Pack's main help page