
Tutorial -- GrainPlus™-- CreativEase Plugin

Apply GrainPlus to a clip in your timeline, like any built-in video effect. (Don't know how? Click here to see how to apply and use CreativEase effects.) After the GrainPlus interface appears, either:

Choose a pre-made effect. Choose a saved setting or one or more section presets to INSTANTLY form a particular look.

Saved Settings

  Section Presets

Click the 'load' button at the top of our plugin to select a saved setting, which will instantly configure ALL CONTROLS into a cool effect.Several subfolders are included, organized by style. Single-click any saved setting to quickly preview and compare it with others. Double-click your final choice. . Click any section's Section Presets button, which will instantly configure controls ONLY IN THAT SECTION into a powerful combination. Presets are a great way to QUICKLY build USEFUL effects from scratch, or to modify a saved setting. Try a few -- THOUSANDS of combinations are provided!

OR create a custom effect by manually adjusting.
For this latter approach, generally the power of GrainPlus can be most easily accessed in three steps:

STEP 1. Set the grain. First work with the Location and Strength controls, plus the three checkbox options at the bottom of the Grain section. When the grain has the basic look you desire, next adjust Density and X Size/Y Size sliders. Setting one or both Size sliders to high values (but less than 100), for example, can create cool horizontal/vertical streaks or large particles. The Density slider increases the quantity of grain particles in the image. The Motion slider puts the grain into random motion during the clip.

Original (100% crop) Strength = 10 Strength = 20 Y increased Density decreased

STEP 2. Enhance further with cool Extras. The Channels controls give you the flexibility to adjust the grain/noise in each color channel individually. This makes it easy to set a desired color of monochromatic grain/noise, or to balance a color noise mix as desired. Working in other color spaces of the Model menu further expand the possible colors and looks. For example, you can apply noise only to the S (saturation) channel of the HSV or HLS color model to produce a desaturated or over-saturated grain instead of typical noise. For more extreme effects, experiment with YUV and XYZ models.

Also available in the Extras section is a Blend menu. Nine compositing options produce a wide range of blends between the GrainPlus effect and the clip's source image. The options are similar to blending modes found in programs such as Adobe Photoshop. To set the strength of the chosen Blend option, adjust the Amount slider. Higher values show more of the clip's source image. To vary the strength during the effect, keyframe Amount.

Unblended grain 50% Normal 100% Lighten 100% Hard Light 100% Color Dodge

STEP 3. Limit or animate the effect area with a Pixelan spice. GrainPlus utilizes the soft/organic power of Pixelan spices (derived from our popular SpiceMASTER plug-in) to geometrically mask where the effect (created from other GrainPlus controls) will appear within the frame. Click the Spice Effect tab to reveal spice controls to be used together with the Choose Spice File button and related setting.

You could have the GrainPlus effect appear only where your subject is rather than over the entire image, for example, or keep the GrainPlus effect in outer areas to frame your subject. By keyframing the Position control, you can even have the effect area track your subject's movement. By keyframing the Progress slider with an Iris spice, for example, you could have the grain effect flow from your subject organically outward to the frame edge. Or wash the grain effect across the screen. (If you are familiar with our SpiceMASTER plug-in, Progress is just like Completion in SpiceMASTER.)

To use the clip's luminance (instead of a spice file's luminance) to limit where the GrainPlus effect appears within the image, set the Mixer slider to 100% at the bottom of the Spice Effect section. To mix the spice geometry AND your clip's luminance, adjust the Mixer to an intermediate value, such as 50%. Experiment -- the Mixer is one of GrainPlus's most unique and powerful controls. Keyframing the Mixer slider can lead to unique grain/noise flows within your clip!

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