Example Movies of SpiceFX 6 Effects & Transitions for Movie Maker
One of the best ways to quickly get a sense of what our Windows Movie Maker add-ons can do is to watch example movies of their video effects and transitions. Click below to see the movies, but note that many more movies are at our Pixelan YouTube channel, including lots of terrific movies submitted by users there. Enjoy!
Movies of SpiceFX 6 Wizards Video Effects & Transitions |
PanZoom |
TitleFX |
PerfectPIP |
Movies of SpiceFX 6 Video Transitions Packs |
SoftFX T1
CoolFX T3 |
Particles T5 |
Movies of SpiceFX 6 Video Effects Packs |
Animation FX E4
Cosmetic FX E5 |
Film Effects E6 |
Time Effects E7 |
WOW Effects E8