SpiceFX Compatibility with Windows 7, Windows 8, & Windows 10
Important: For our regret we received reports for various problems with Movie Maker after recent Windows 10 updates. On many computers major updates remove or damage Movie Maker and on some it not works properly even after a re-install. We no longer see a way to guarantee compatibility with Windows 10 and decided to discontinue SpiceFX. This page remains available for information and support for existing SpiceFX users.
In Windows 7 - 10, SpiceFX 6 requires Movie Maker 2.6 or Movie Maker 6.0. Is that a problem? No, it's actually an easy opportunity for you to have a more powerful version of Movie Maker. Thousands of Movie Maker users worldwide have done this. Please read below for the details... |
Microsoft Windows Live Movie Maker was a complete re-write of its popular Movie Maker video editing software when Windows 7 was introduced in 2009. The Windows 8 version (Movie Maker 2012) is similar with a few added audio features. For many video editing users, however, "classic" earlier versions of Movie Maker (version 2.6 and 6.0) remain more powerful and useful than Windows Live/2012 Movie Maker. Why?
a) You get a real video editing timeline. Movie Maker 2.6 and 6.0 feature a real video editing timeline instead of the hybrid storyboard in Windows Live Movie Maker. Thus you can visually align/drag clips, adjust duration intuitively, and get a good time-based sense of your entire production. None of these important video editing basics are possible in Windows Live Movie Maker.
b) You can add useful plugins, such as SpiceFX 6. Unlike Movie Maker 2.6 and 6.0, Windows Live Movie Maker does NOT accept ANY add-ons from anyone. It's a closed software architecture approach that represents a poor decision by Microsoft, because plugins historically have been a great (and common) enhancement to video editing software platforms. We know, because that has been Pixelan's business for 18+ years. ;)
c) They are fully compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8 and 10. Although Movie Maker 2.6 and 6.0 are older software programs, they remain fully compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8 and 10.
d) They are easy to install (see below) and will not affect your Windows Live Movie Maker. Either older Movie Maker version co-exists perfectly with Windows Live Movie Maker. What you do in one will not affect the other in any way. With both Movie Maker versions available, in fact, you can use whichever one you prefer depending on the nature of your video project. For instance, when you have a still photos project that needs our powerful PanZoom Wizard, then using the classic Movie Maker with SpiceFX 6 installed would be a better choice.
In popular forums for Movie Maker users -- such as www.windowsmoviemakers.net -- you'll see that virtually all Windows 7 and later users there prefer using Movie Maker 2.6 or 6.0.
Are there any disadvantages to using an older Movie Maker? Just one. Windows Live Movie Maker directly imports .mov files and .mp4 files, unlike the older versions of Movie Maker. However, when using Movie Maker 2.6 or 6.0 that is easy to solve by downloading a free movie converter utility from a reputable source, such as download.com (Here is one among many that we like.) Such utilities can convert batches of clips, only take a few minutes to do so, and there is no loss in visual quality -- it is just a file format change.
Which Movie Maker should you install -- 2.6 or 6.0?
A higher number is better, right? Well, in this case Microsoft again created confusion. Movie Maker 2.6 and Movie Maker 6.0 were released by Microsoft at the same time and are functionally identical, but Movie Maker 6.0 is optimized for computers that have a separate video card. Thus it renders large clip formats faster. If your computer only has "built-in" video (not a separate video card) such as Intel video, Movie Maker 2.6 is the right choice. Most laptops are the latter. If you are not sure what video card your computer has, in Windows 7 through 10, right-click on your desktop, choose Screen Resolution > Advanced settings, then look in the Adapter tab.
Note that you DO need to choose Movie Maker 2.6 OR Movie Maker 6.0. DO NOT INSTALL BOTH. Otherwise, SpiceFX 6 cannot be added successfully. If you currently have Movie Maker 2.6 and 6.0 both installed, use the above paragraph to choose the best version for your system, then uninstall the other Movie Maker version by dragging its main folder into the Recycle Bin.
How to download/install Movie Maker
Unfortunately Windows Movie Maker, is no longer available for download from the Microsoft website.