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$59 PRO version for...

Premiere Pro (Windows, macOS)
After Effects (Windows, macOS)
Premiere Elements (11/ltr Win-only)
CyberLink PowerDirector (12/ltr)
Sony Vegas (v9-v13)
Magix Movie Edit Pro (2013/later)
Magix Video Pro X (X4/later)
VEGAS Pro (14/later)
VEGAS Movie Studio (14/later)

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SpiceMaster 3 Pro -- New Features Summary

Welcome! SpiceMaster 3 Pro includes all the features users have loved over the years, but has been updated with a much larger interface for users with high-res monitors. It also has been speed-optimized for the latest video-editing app versions and uses your computer's video/graphics chip to accelerate its rendering.

We highly recommend you take a moment to download and try the SpiceMaster 3 DEMO. The demo is identical to the purchased version, but overlays an X on the plugin’s output. The installed SpiceMaster 3 (DEMO or purchased version) will not alter your earlier SpiceMASTER 2.5 files. Thus your prior/existing projects will not be affected.


SpiceMaster Saved Settings and Presets
SpiceMaster 3 Interface in Premiere, Magix and CyberLink
SpiceMaster 3 Interface in Adobe After Effects
SpiceMaster 3 Interface in VEGAS

SpiceMaster Saved Settings and Presets

SpiceMaster has three types of presets -- Effects Browser presets, Spice Library presets and Section presets.

SpiceMaster Effects Browser

Effects Browser

This is the most powerful and visual way to access presets and is where HUNDREDS of transition presets are located. Click the Click here to load a preset... button at the top of SpiceMaster to open a wonderful large Effects Browser window to visually choose/compare from over 200 pre-made presets (including those you have made and saved for future re-use).
To save your own custom presets in the Effects Browser, use SpiceMaster controls to set up the desired look, then click the Save button in the main SpiceMaster control area.

SpiceMaster Effects Browser

Spice Library

Each 'spice' is a specially-designed grayscale map that guides SpiceMaster. The SpiceMaster effect will begin where blackest pixels reside (in the spice file's image, not your content), then proceed to where lighter grays reside, and finally end where the whitest pixels exist in the spice image.
Click the large
Choose Spice File button located in Spice section of SpiceMaster to open a Spice Library window and visually choose/compare from 1000+ spices. Click a subfolder in the Library's left pane, as shown below. Thumbnail-size previews of available effects will then play in the right pane so you can visually compare and choose the best effect design for your segment.

Time-saving tips to load presets faster:

• Load recently chosen Effects Browser or Spice Library presets via menu.
• Use multi-level menu of Effects Browser or Spice Library presets

Handy tips while working within the Effects Browser and Spice Library:
• To scroll through presets in a folder while keeping your eye on the top preview image for comparison, hold the mouse pointer over the right panel then use arrow keys or the mouse wheel.
• To increase/decrease the thumbnail image size, use the Size button at the bottom of the Effects Browser.
• To copy a favorite preset into the My Favorites folder located atop the left column of preset folders, right-click any preset image and choose Copy to My Favorites. To copy the preset into a subfolder within that folder (such as if you want to organize presets per project or per client), right-click the preset and choose Copy to My Favorites >> [new subfolder]. You can then name the subfolder as desired. After the subfolder is created, it will also appear in the right-click menu.
• To rename a preset that is in the My Favorites folder, right-click the preset there and choose Rename this preset. To remove a My Favorites preset, right-click and choose Delete this preset.
• To hide any preset, right-click the preset and choose Hide this preset. To show all hidden presets in a folder, right-click any preset in that folder and choose Restore all hidden presets from this folder. To temporarily view the folder's hidden presets, which can be handy if you just want to momentarily browse them, choose Temporarily show hidden presets.
• To toggle between viewing the source file image and the SpiceMaster preset, click the top large preview image in the Effects Browser.


SpiceMaster 3 Interface in Premiere, Magix and CyberLink

SpiceMaster Easy Steps

SpiceMaster tutorial for Adobe Premiere
Choose from hundreds of professional presets (plus your saved favorites) via a large animated Effects Browser window. Or Alt-click for a standard Open dialog.To create a new effect or to modify a preset...
(1) Click the large Choose Spice File button to open a Spice Library window and visually choose/compare from 1000+ spices. Choosing a "spice" file is a key step to applying SpiceMaster. Then you can adjust it several ways, such as flipping or reversing the effect, moving it to a new position, or putting it in motion.
(2) If needed, untwirl other sections of the SpiceMaster plugin to fine-tune further. For detailed help per control, see below on this web page.
(3) Set the transitions’s ease-in/ease-out, holds, or other timing as desired. You’re done! To save your new/modified look in our large visual Effects Browser for easy future re-use, click the Save button.

Basics Within SpiceMaster

(A) Load a Recent Effect. Click “Recent” to instantly access a submenu of your recently applied effects, saving time.
(B) Undo/Redo. Click the green arrows to undo or redo your prior steps – great for experimenting with new looks/variations.
(C) Serial/Version Info. Click the Pixelan logo to access this info.
(D) Help. Click the blue ? button to access SpiceMaster help.
(E) Preferences. Click the asterik to adjust preferences for preview playback size and speed, time units, help text visibility, setting the default SpiceMaster effect, etc. (See below on this webpage for more info.)
(F) Save an Effect. Click the disk to save a favorite effect as a preset you can re-load instantly.
(G) Clear Settings. Click the minus sign to clear current settings.
(H) Apply. Click the green check mark to apply the effect & close the window. To exit without changes, click the X in the top right corner.
(I) Section Presets. Click an FX folder icon to instantly change only the controls in that section via handy presets we have developed. Use this to quickly and easily make hundreds of new effect variations.
(J) Expand/Collapse Sections. To expand or collapse a section, use the “twirly” at the left of a control section.
(K) Keyframing. Click the stopwatch icon to vary the control over time. A separate Keyframes window will open (see additional Keyframing help below.) Right-click a stopwatch to clear keyframing.
(L) Context-Sensitive Help/Tips. Hover your cursor over any control or area to see extensive context-sensitive help and tips. After you become more familiar with SpiceMaster, in the Preferences you can turn this off.
(M) Keyframes Window. Click to open/ close the Keyframes window. See below on this page for tutorial help about the Keyframes window.
(N) Preview Controls. Use these standard playback buttons to preview your effect. Note you can play the preview while making adjustments! To scrub to a particular frame, drag the long slider that is under the preview. Duration Indicator shows the transition’s total duration, as set in your timeline.
Current Time/Frame shows the current preview frame, relative to the effect’s entire duration in the timeline.

SpiceMaster 3 Interface in Adobe After Effects

After Effects users get SpiceMaster 3 Interface fully integrated with native effects controls, keyframing, etc.

SpiceMaster tutorial for Adobe After Effects

SpiceMaster Easy Steps

(1) Choose which layer you are transitioning to or from, using the Layer menu. It can be any layer in the comp; its Video switch can even be off. If the layer has effects or masks, precompose the layer first. If None is selected, SpiceMaster will reveal lower tracks.

Set the transitions's progress over time, using the Progress control. A typical linear transition is 100 to 0 at a layer’s head, or 0 to 100 at the tail. Set the transitions’s ease-in/ease-out, holds, or other timing as desired. To ease-in/out or hold the transition, add additional keyframes or select a handy preset in the Progress Presets menu.

Choose from hundreds of professional presets (plus your saved favorites) via a large animated Effects Browser window. Or Alt-click for a standard Open dialog.
To create a new effect or to modify a preset...

Click the large Choose Spice File button to open a Spice Library window and visually choose/compare from 1000+ spices. Choosing a "spice" file is a key step to applying SpiceMaster. Then you can adjust it several ways, such as flipping or reversing the effect, moving it to a new position, or putting it in motion.

If needed, expand other sections of the SpiceMaster plugin to fine-tune further. For detailed help per control, see below on this web page.
You’re done! To save your new/modified look in our large visual Effects Browser for easy future re-use, click the Save button.

SpiceMaster 3 Interface in VEGAS

VEGAS users get SpiceMaster 3 Interface fully integrated with native effects controls, keyframing, etc.

SpiceMaster tutorial for VEGAS

SpiceMaster Easy Steps

Choose from hundreds of professional presets (plus your saved favorites) via a large animated Effects Browser window. To create a new effect or to modify a preset...
(1) Adjust the transitions's progress over time, using the Progress control. To ease-in/out or hold the transition, add additional keyframes or select a handy preset in the Progress - Presets menu. Or switch to "Progress via: VEGAS timeline" and set the transitions’s progress the usual way: right-click SpiceMaster in the timeline; then select Insert/Remove Envelope > Transition Progress. Then right-click the purple envelope line as needed.
Click the large Choose Spice File button to open a Spice Library window and visually choose/compare from 1000+ spices. Choosing a "spice" file is a key step to applying SpiceMaster. Then you can adjust it several ways, such as flipping or reversing the effect, moving it to a new position, or putting it in motion.
(3) If needed, untwirl other sections of the SpiceMaster plugin to fine-tune further. For detailed help per control, see below on this web page.

Basics Within SpiceMaster

(A) Help. Click the ? button to access help. Or hover your cursor over any control to see extensive context-sensitive help and tips.
(B) Save Preset. Click the disk to save a favorite effect to later choose it instantly in Vegas. Or click the Save to Effects Browser button to apply it later from our visual Effects Browser window.
(C) Load Section Preset. Click to instantly change only the section’s controls via handy ‘section’ presets. Easily explore hundreds of new effect variations!
(D) Expand/Collapse Sections. To expand or collapse a section of controls, use the “twirly.”
(E) Keyframing. Use Vegas‘ keyframing to vary a visual quality over time.

go to SpiceMaster's overview